Gawler South – Day 16

Friday,  1st April 2022

Today, we must go to town (Adelaide) for a mix of things.

Carpet check on sizes, over-locking etc.

…and looked at the window treatments.

… which happened to be near a coffee shop.

We spotted thin honey as well. Took the number plates off for the owners  privacy but the number plate suggests it is a 1965 Chevy Impala.

On to check out bedroom built in robes. Ordered them. LONG delivery. (!!?!??!)

Collected parcel from post office.

Anne got a flu jab.

No walk and no container sorting but a fulfilling day.

Showers, meal (schnitzel and three) good movies. All sorts including Chef and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing. Both brilliant films but hugely different genres

All pedestrian stuff. We are not travelling. I ‘itch’ for the road. Bummer.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz               zzzzzzzzzzzzz               zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz





Gawler South – Day 15

Thursday, 31st March 2022

Yesterday was tiring and it is a little wild and woolly today, wind wise. So no walk and a slow morning.

First job. Get the rowing machine  off the low mezzanine.  That’s what you are looking at by the way. On it’s side on a white melamine flat sheet.

Got it down. Now we can pull the mezzanine down. It caught me (in the head) ten times.

We do some serious sorting and 5pm is finish time.

Was a good day, Made some headway. It was going to take about a week yesterday and now I reckon … about a week. (still)

Home. Shower, food, movie Jaws 2.

zzzzzzzzzzzzz                       zzzzzzzzzzzzzz                  zzzzzzzzzzzzz



Gawler South – Day 14

Wednesday, 30th March 2022

This time we will get serious. I am up earlier. No computer. Straight to it.

Even then a little late at about 8.45am departure for the walk. We have been walking past a block with sign ‘Gawler Market’ for weeks but it is always empty. We now find out it is only on Wednesdays but we won’t go in today.

Next .. Corella’s! Thousands of them. (literally)

Turn the corner and we have been told about a big male roo to be avoided. I think this is him. We keep clear. By the way, they are called boomers.

N.B. Googled … A female kangaroo is known as a ‘flyer’ or a ‘doe’ and a male kangaroo a ‘buck’ or a ‘boomer’ (hence the nickname of the Australian men’s basketball team, the Boomers). They live in social groups called mobs.

.. and further on some black headed sheep. Suffolk?

Then back to the van, get goodies then on to business.

Sort the the damn containers. First the blue one. We have to divide the items staying in the container and the ones being taken to the house by the removalists. Also packing and repacking as required. I think about a week and this is day two.

Notice the black one in the back ground. It is patiently waiting for us. Save the best till last.

A hotch potch of stuff with four mezzanines. Looks a mess, doesn’t it.

Yes. It will take a week. (at least)

After, shops and look what just sneaked past us by one kilometre  in the car park.

We are currently in hum drum work mode. There is nothing exciting.

One thing I came across is an old ‘Hagar The Horrible’ comic strip from 1978. Yes. I have hoarded ‘funnies’ for a long time.

It’s a laugh. I have cropped it to hopefully make it easy for you to see.

Here is the whole thing first, then the individual scenes.

Hagar always had appeal. The other guy is Lucky Eddie who is anything but.




Gawler South – Day 13

Tuesday, 29th March 2022

Big day planned.

Early walk, then early to the container to sort. That was the plan.

Didn’t work. Stayed for lunch then just a little lie down for half an hour.

A doze. Still done nothing at 4pm. Cooking mode. Early meal. Settling down at 7pm.

Maybe tomorrow?

Is that the time?

zzzzzzzzzzz              zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                 zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Gawler South – Day 12

Monday, 28th March 2022

Sleep in. Up 7.30am.

Things to do. (on the computer.)

Late morning walk. Back to the van. A few calls and chores. Got two more quotes from removalists, then off to the containers for sorting.

While there, I hear a familiar sound, so duck out the container for a look.

You have to squint.

… more …

OK. I’ll highlight. It’s two fighter planes, assuming from Edinburgh Air Base.

Home, clean, eat. Anne says ‘Look at the sunset!’ So  I went out and took the first one.

Anne took the other one a bit later.

A good day. Not from results but because I’m still on the planet.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                  zzzzzzzzzzzzz



Caption left in blue square. ‘Scotland, 30,000 BC. How it all started.

On the right the two naked cavemen are chatting and one says, ‘I don’t care what it looks like. I’m cold.’

Gawler South – Day 11


Sunday, 27th March 2022.

Last night was less cold. We will visit Phil and Ann today on a lunch invitation. BBQ. Yes!

On the way we pull in to a shopping complex to look at rugs.

However we see a bed advertised. Sunday 10.30am. The shop is shut but we recognised (through the window) a bed the same as ours only a different colour.

‘Hot Price!’ Not wrong. It’s $400 more than ours was. Real hot!

The carpet we spotted and have decided on (apparently) is the Ishtar Pebble. It can be made into any rug size ….

… and the bottom line is $2130 for three rugs. One 3m x 3m and two 3m x 2.8m. I’m sort of getting used to it now. Spending that is. (Ouch)

Onward. Anne is driving so I get to gaze around. I spot this unique cloud pattern. It covers the entire sky.

We arrive. A few furniture carrying jobs to earn our keep. Then a fab cheese and pate board with a few Guinness’s. It is warm outside so we need quenchers. Then the BBQ with a couple of fine reds. Chats and laughs. Then the day has gone and we are heading home.

Over all too quick.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz               zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz               zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


But first something significant … and it’s so true.

Now the laughs.



Gawler South – Day 10 (V2)

Saturday, 26th March 2022

Plotting for the future. Our sofa bed (for guests) is not dissimilar to this. Not this but ‘it’ is secured and waiting for clearance to be delivered.

… and this is our bed, less the side draws etc.

In a second hand store. I would love to have this yacht for the mantle piece. I think I would  lie and just tell everyone I made it.

N.B. In modern usage, mantel refers to a shelf above a fireplace and mantle refers to a cloak or covering. “Mantle” is also used metaphorically when describing the transfer of power such as when one “takes on the mantle.” Some still identify these words as spelling variants, but you are better off separating them.

So ideally, it should be ‘mantel piece.’

In the mean time the car battery is dead flat. RAA says the battery is fine and something just flattened it. But what? Watch this space. I am. It was run for an hour as the RAA man recommended. We will see tomorrow.

By the way , the run included taking it for a drive to charge it up. On the drive, we saw this big  honey cruise past. We stopped and talked to them at the lights. He has been working on it for 15 years and it’s been on the road for just a few.

Cook for dinner? Now? After all this? So for the first time in at least 3 months a Pizza for dinner! (That was the reason for the drive)

This is what’s left of the party size. It is to be frozen in two separate containers for two future quick meals.


Quite a day, although we didn’t touch the storage containers.

I’m happy with how it went.

Mundane but good.


zzzzzzzzzzz                   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz              zzzzzzzzzzzzz

A laugh. Well, I did.

Gawler South – Day 9 (V2)

Friday, 25th March 2022

A farewell walk with Lou in the morning, some housekeeping and off to the mall to buy a few things.

Then the container for some assessing and forward planning.

A lot to do. A REAL lot.

That old saying, ‘You can eat an elephant, a mouth full at a time’ applies here.

Ah … what the hell. We have had to eat mum, dad and the kids of an elephant  family before. What’s one mere single rogue elephant anyway? Piece of cake. (big cake though)


zzzzzzzzzzz               zzzzzzzzzzzzzz            zzzzzzzzzzzz

Hang on. I could use a laugh. How about you?


Gawler South – Day 7 & 8

Wednesday, 23rd & Thursday 24th March 2022.

We meet a removalist at the containers to get a quote to relocate contents from the containers to the house in the city. Ouch! $$$$$!!

Off to Bunnings for some cardboard boxes to pack up loose things and plastic boxes for clothes.

Spotted some racks for future built-ins.

Now in transit, I squint to look at this guy. He’s got his arm hanging out! Not only dangerous but illegal.

Closer …

…closer …

We pull up at the lights. Now there’s two of them!

The Bunnings brochure on quality western red cedar tool sheds. This one is the flagship. About $2,500 !!! … so we won’t be buying one.

Mick and Lou have arrived from Alice Springs to spend two nights then proceed to Brighton. So we have a fab night at their van park cabin, just a two minute handy walk from our van. Beer, red wine, pasta and red wine … and red wine. A big night for someone (me) on a diet and well out of practice for processing grape juice. I was reminded by my loving spouse in the morning. Quite a few times actually.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz               zzzzzzzzzzzzzz             zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Thursday 24th March 2022

Lou is an enthusiastic walker and we have blazed a trail so we take her to our trail and spend the next 45 minutes trying to stay up with her. Everyone does their washing then in the afternoon we …. I was going to say ‘entertain them’ but is was more ‘occupy them’ by taking them to our containers to show them our preparation sorting process.

Then for the ‘highlight’, (?) Harvey Normans to show them our recent sofa bed purchaser. Very zappy and not everyone’s cup of tea. We know that, but at the end of the day, we decided Anne and I were the only ones who had to be happy.

On to the shopping centre. The girls to the supermarket and the boys to Dan Murphy’s. The ladies were waiting for us when we got back. So much to see at Dan’s. A wonderful place full of NICE things.

Now for ‘beer o’clock as we are well past the hour.

Cheese and pate etc …

…. AND we have a taste off, of our Dan’s purchases.

This is my traditional 440ml Guinness can at 4.2% alcohol …

… and Micks Extra Stout Guinness at 6% alcohol.

This is a classic win-win situation in my mind.

We did a classic meat and three with red wine and … red wine, but not as much as last night as I was being more closely supervised.

That’s fair enough as well. Home time and much neater.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz             zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Gawler South – Day 6

Tuesday, 22nd March 2022.

Time to free the baby.

This has been our Adelaide car when ever we came to Adelaide from East Timor when we lived there. So this morning via internet we registered and insured it then went to REPCO and got a battery.

Now … if you think you can ‘pack it in’, have a look at this.

Three small mezzanines across the top with head clearance. A lower one 100mm above the car.

Barely enough space to walk down the side to get in the drivers door and then just enough to stand at the door. The rest to the back is not accessible.

About 100mm on the right side as well as the left at the back.

Even less at the back. There was only about 100mm as well at the front.

Now keep in mind when I put it in there I had to get a run up at the ramps and hit the brakes with surgeon like precision.

And she joins us at the van park. Our Ford fleet is now complete.

DPM friend suggested with the current fuel prices it would be cheaper to use this little run around. Well suggested amigo!.

That filled most of the day.

A good result. I will sleep well tonight, but with the quilt believe it or not. Damn COLD tonight.


zzzzzzzzzz           zzzzzzzzzzzzzz             zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz