Gawler North – Day 2

Sunday, 13th March 2022

10.12am we take off for our daily walk. Just as we are leaving the park, this guy whizz’s past flashing me back to memories of Billy Connolly on his trike on his world tours. I remember he did amongst others, a ‘world tour’ of Australia and a ‘world tour’ of Scotland. (define world?)

I remember on the Scottish tour he was narrating as he did. He is not always the joker and can be quite  philosophical. He said something to the effect of, ‘I used to think how much  I missed the old days, but in fact I realised I just missed my youth.’ I know what he meant.

You can’t see it clearly, but I took this to record the gate and fence which we would like to copy subject to council approval of course. N.B. We are terminating the tenancy and taking over our house in the city in the next month or two. There are ‘things’ to do after 25 years of tenants.

The walk takes us past the river and lovely old buildings.

This old church has been restored well.

Sunday in the main street. Coffee and cake and cars and bikes. This little honey has a Ford badge on it and I assume there is an old Ford under there somewhere.

It has ’23’ on the number plate and this below is a 1923 Model T Ford Roadster. Look close to the grill, headlights and side panels. You will see the ‘old girl’ hidden beneath the young guy.

A slightly newer Ford. Nostalgia. I miss the ‘good old days?’

Then these two bikes (with riders) arrive for coffees.

Lots of interesting things.

A quote apparently by Audrey Hepburn ….

‘The beauty of a woman

must be seen from in her eyes,

because that is the doorway to her heart,

the place where love resides.’

This shops shelving is unique ….

… as are the contents. I suspect entirely made in (bloody) China, even this little Koala. An AUSTRALIAN KOALA for crying out load. EVEN the Australian flag pattern socks. No. There were a few things there I was interested in but not from there if avoidable.

The local paper, ‘The Bunyip’.

N.B.  he Bunyip is a weekly newspaper, first printed on 5 September 1863, and originally published and printed in Gawler, South Australia. Its distribution area includes the Gawler, Barossa, Light, Playford, and Adelaide Plains areas. Wikipedia

The editions from 1863 to 1954 are now available to view on .

We walk back past/over the train line, still closed.

A treat. When back this glider circled almost directly over head for quite a while, I assume looking for a thermal to lift it. I find Guinness and red wine uplifting, but that’s just me I guess.

A lazy remainder of the afternoon and a mix of movies before, during and after our chicken schnitzels and vegetables.

A good(ish) sort of day.


zzzzzzzzzzzz                zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yeh. Another funny…. or four.