Gawler North/Willaston – Day 4

Tuesday, 15th March 2022

Anne says, ‘there’s an army water truck by the amenities block.’

I cared enough to get out the van, but not enough to walk the 30 seconds walk to the truck. Given the potential value of the exercise, I thought a zoom was sufficient. It was camouflage painted  and it may have been an army truck. We will never know. This has no punch line but I took the photo so I posted it. A bit of intrigue though?

We do a shorter morning walk because we have a lunch  engagement. Before we left on our walk I noticed the water had gone dirty/brown. As we return the water company seems to be ‘playing’ with a water mains source. I am guessing the dirty tap water and the street gusher are tied together. Anyway, a significant loss of water for whatever reason. By the way, that is the van park in the background and we are immediately behind the fence and adjacent the gate. How ‘handy.’

There we are. Just over the fence.

A stop at Woolworth’s on the way out for a few things. I have never seen a Gopher in the market before but this one  has a mobile walker on the back as well. So could he have just used the walker. I saw him stand up to get his wallet out his pocket. I respect and support anyone with a disability but I also dislike people using and abusing the system. Hmmm.

We are off to DPM’s for lunch and a catch up. A good afternoon of reminiscing and we also solved most of the worlds problems except for a method of initiating the plans. It requires being a world leader or being able to influence them. We also retrieved some stored dining chairs he was kind enough to look after (amongst other items) for a while. We then took chairs to a local upholsterer for covering and re-gluing.  Cloth already chosen and ordered.

Home (van) in time for unpacking shopping and a light shower to turn dust to mud.

Checked the diesel prices in transit and all are either $1.99.9, $2.10.9 or $2.21.9 depending on how greedy the outlet owners are, selling fuel bought earlier and cheaper for grossly inflated prices. They can’t pass up an opportunity like that I guess.

A light meal and a heavy movie to finish the day off.  Oh happy days.

zzzzzzzzzzzzz                 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

A funny (or 4) ….