Gawler – a relocation.

Saturday, 12th March 2022.

10am we left the south of Gawler and moved to the north of Gawler.

The drive took I think 12 minutes. The emergency ‘last’  site wasn’t half bad. Good size. Just on the fence line with the main road the other side and literally next to the gate.

The good news is we don’t miss a thing. Not a damn thing. However, while not brilliant, it had the huge example of being available.

A late walk into town for a few things. It’s only a 9 minute walk and we get there 15 minutes before close.

All done quickly, but we still have to do our daily walk. So, we blaze a new trail even though we don’t have a plan and it is 5pm and hot.

We take a train crossing and I wonder what is a ‘test train’?

And what’s this?

They’re serious about stopping trains on this line. Next step is pulling the lines up I guess.

I don’t know what denomination it was, but it’s a private residence now.

No confessions here now. A little sin maybe.

Back to the luxury apartment on wheels.

A good day. It’s always good to move on and have a change of scenery. Although if it wasn’t for the dramatic price increase of diesel, we would probably be on our way to Broken Hill by now, via Mannum to meet friends I & L for a previous engagement.

You’re not going to believe this but Austin Powers was on tonight. That’s via the Satellite. The local TV reception is crap.

Anyway, that’s today.


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hang on.

Need a laugh. Most of them come from facebook.

Hope you can read these.