Gawler North (Willaston?) – Day 3

Monday, 14th March 2022

Lots to do on the computer. Lots of old emailed invoices and receipts to be organised. ‘A stitch in time saves nine.’ Remember? Well I didn’t and now I have to pay for it with days of work to do.

Another walk. Not a clever one. We set off at 11.35am just in time to hit the peak, or near to, of the max 36 degrees. No. Not clever.

These guys don’t seem to mind.

I’ve seen plenty of extension tables but never an extension bench in a park and only one end. Notice also the seat doesn’t go full length. I reckon the planks were just too long and they couldn’t be bothered cutting them.

Now in Murray Street for a coffee at Cibo and some interesting observations.

This  LITTLE biscuit or should I say, ‘Viennese Biscotti was $3.50. I feel like it’s almost gone and we haven’t started it yet.

Also, two Cappuccino at $4.20 each, which seems to be the going rate just currently. Why the price hike? It’s not made with diesel.

Also, a second shot on the side for a mere $1. Yes. I haven’t used it yet. That’s the whole $1.

Oh! And $1.94 for public holiday surcharge.

Makes a mere $14.84 for a couple of coffee’s and a whee biscuit.

I got to start thinking about this.

Now, there is a joke around that goes something like this. ‘If you think that the young of today are smarter than the baby boomers, the old car manuals used to describe how to set the tappets on the motor. The new manuals warn against drinking the contents of the battery.’

With that in mind, here is a pedestrian crossing with a safe island in the middle.

The  road marking not only advises us to look before we cross, but which way.

And when we get to the middle,  it has covered both crossing directions with specific advisories. Very re-assuring,  (?)

I was brought up having, ‘look to the left then look to the right then look to the left again’ drummed into me time and time and time (and time) again. I DON’T NEED an instruction to cross a road, but apparently a lot of people do.

Lovely old buildings. (again)

I need a Commonwealth Autoteller. Now if you are homeless, come here. It looks locked tight but just walk close and  ….

… ‘open  Sesame!’

Now here is progress.

A five chair barber shop ….

… with a bar fridge. We used to have similar in Dili, East Timor. A good, all round service.

Mural of a train with a big hand on it. Yes. I don’t know either.

Back at the van. The weather promises storm with thunder torrential rains and strong winds. The clouds come over, the wind picks up, a hint of a sprinkle and that undeniable smell of pending rain. So awning folded up and all goodies inside. A bit of thunder. Time passes and the sun comes out. So much for that.

Don’t trust the weather.

End of another day of lots of stuff but nothing real practical.

It matters not. Nice meal and a few good movies and …..

zzzzzzzzzzz                  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                   zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

A snigger …