Gawler South – Day 12

Monday, 28th March 2022

Sleep in. Up 7.30am.

Things to do. (on the computer.)

Late morning walk. Back to the van. A few calls and chores. Got two more quotes from removalists, then off to the containers for sorting.

While there, I hear a familiar sound, so duck out the container for a look.

You have to squint.

… more …

OK. I’ll highlight. It’s two fighter planes, assuming from Edinburgh Air Base.

Home, clean, eat. Anne says ‘Look at the sunset!’ So  I went out and took the first one.

Anne took the other one a bit later.

A good day. Not from results but because I’m still on the planet.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                  zzzzzzzzzzzzz



Caption left in blue square. ‘Scotland, 30,000 BC. How it all started.

On the right the two naked cavemen are chatting and one says, ‘I don’t care what it looks like. I’m cold.’