Gawler South – Day 14

Wednesday, 30th March 2022

This time we will get serious. I am up earlier. No computer. Straight to it.

Even then a little late at about 8.45am departure for the walk. We have been walking past a block with sign ‘Gawler Market’ for weeks but it is always empty. We now find out it is only on Wednesdays but we won’t go in today.

Next .. Corella’s! Thousands of them. (literally)

Turn the corner and we have been told about a big male roo to be avoided. I think this is him. We keep clear. By the way, they are called boomers.

N.B. Googled … A female kangaroo is known as a ‘flyer’ or a ‘doe’ and a male kangaroo a ‘buck’ or a ‘boomer’ (henceĀ the nickname of the Australian men’s basketball team, the Boomers). They live in social groups called mobs.

.. and further on some black headed sheep. Suffolk?

Then back to the van, get goodies then on to business.

Sort the the damn containers. First the blue one. We have to divide the items staying in the container and the ones being taken to the house by the removalists. Also packing and repacking as required. I think about a week and this is day two.

Notice the black one in the back ground. It is patiently waiting for us. Save the best till last.

A hotch potch of stuff with four mezzanines. Looks a mess, doesn’t it.

Yes. It will take a week. (at least)

After, shops and look what just sneaked past us by one kilometreĀ  in the car park.

We are currently in hum drum work mode. There is nothing exciting.

One thing I came across is an old ‘Hagar The Horrible’ comic strip from 1978. Yes. I have hoarded ‘funnies’ for a long time.

It’s a laugh. I have cropped it to hopefully make it easy for you to see.

Here is the whole thing first, then the individual scenes.

Hagar always had appeal. The other guy is Lucky Eddie who is anything but.
