Gawler South – Day 15

Thursday, 31st March 2022

Yesterday was tiring and it is a little wild and woolly today, wind wise. So no walk and a slow morning.

First job. Get the rowing machine  off the low mezzanine.  That’s what you are looking at by the way. On it’s side on a white melamine flat sheet.

Got it down. Now we can pull the mezzanine down. It caught me (in the head) ten times.

We do some serious sorting and 5pm is finish time.

Was a good day, Made some headway. It was going to take about a week yesterday and now I reckon … about a week. (still)

Home. Shower, food, movie Jaws 2.

zzzzzzzzzzzzz                       zzzzzzzzzzzzzz                  zzzzzzzzzzzzz
